Reader Questions

Do you have a bird or finch breeding question you would like us to answer? Send it in and we will do our best to answer.
We do our best to provide you with quality bird breeding information, but sometimes it may not be the information that you are looking for. We may eventually cover every topic possible, but I am not sure how many of you are prepared to wait that long. Do you have any requests for articles? Do you have any questions that you would like answered? Send them through and we will do our best to answer them. The answers will be posted in the newsletter, and the more involved answers will be posted here on the website. In the near future, we may even open some of the more controversial topics up for discussion. Don’t forget, sign up for the newsletter if you want to join in the discussion.

Reader Questions

Send us any questions about keeping finches and we will answer them in our next article.
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    Our regular newsletter is sent no more than a few times a month, and you can unsubscribe at any time.